Tag Archive | icas

ICAS English


Well done to everyone who took part in this year’s ICAS English competition. We received some very impressive results today – a great effort!

Participation awards – Freya, S Willson, Eleanor, Duncan and Ty.

Merit awards – Sophia (top 44%), Eliza (top 41%) and Blade (top 37%)

Credits – Ember (top 33%), Oscar (top 29%), Celeste (top 17%), Sachin (top 21%), Zander (top 15%), Elsie (top 36%), Vincent (top 15%), S Walsh (top 21%) and Sia (top 21%)

Distinction – Noah (top 11%)

Congratulations everyone!

ICAS Science

Well done to everyone who took part in this year’s ICAS Science competition. We had many students take part and this year’s papers were 300-px-2000px-Science-symbol-2-copyquite comprehensive and challenging so it was great to see students do their best. Students received their certificates at our assembly today. Well done to Ty, Elsie, Sophia, Freya, Eleanor and Eliza (top 47%) who each received a Participation certificate. Great work to Celeste (top 41%) and S Willson (top 41%) who achieved Merits. Well done to Oscar (top 15%), Duncan (top 24%), Griffin (top 19%), Blade (top 19%), Sachin (top 15%), Sia (top 33%) and Vincent (top 21%) who all achieved Credits. Lastly, congratulations to S Walsh who achieved a Distinction for placing in the top 6% and to Noah who excelled, earning a High Distinction for placing in the top 1% and was also awarded the Principal’s Award. Wow!


ICAS Digital Technologies

Well done to all of our students who took part in the ICAS Digital Technologies competition last term. Students received their certificates yesterday at our weekly assembly and we had some excellent results. 

Great work to Sia (top 48%), Freya, Eleanor and Ty who received Participation certificates. Well done to Sachin (top 39%) and Duncan (top 39%) who achieved Merits. Eliza (top 32%), S Willson (top 18%), Elsie (top 30%) and Oscar (top 24%) earned themselves Credits. Congratulations to Celeste (top 8%) and Blade (top 8%) who achieved Distinctions. Lastly, a huge well done to S Walsh and Noah who achieved High Distinctions for placing in the top 1% of all participants. That’s amazing!


ICAS Digital Technologies

Today we recognised the achievements of our students who participated in the 2015 ICAS Digital Technologies competition. The UNSW competitions always set a high standard so it was great to see students achieve such terrific results. Congratulations to Gill, Cai, Nelson and Freya who received a participation certificate; Credits for Sia (top 14%), Adrian (top 24%), Sachin (top 33%), Max (top 24%), Zane (top 24%); a Merit for Dan (top 40%); and Distinctions for Elsie (top 9%), Sarah (top 11%) and Lachlan (top 3%) who also received the Principal’s Award for most outstanding achievement. Well done everyone!

icas digital

ICAS English

Well done to the students who received their terrific ICAS English results at today’s assembly.

Adrian – participation; Dayna – merit (top 41%); Heidi – credit (top 12%); Lachlan – credit (top 12%); Eva – distinction (top 8%) and Sarah – distinction (top 2%) and Principal’s Award recipient.

Fantastic achievements! Well done.


ICAS Science and Computer Skills

Congratulations to our students who participated in the 2014 ICAS Science and Computer Skills competitions. Students received their results and certificates at today’s assembly.

Well done to our Science participants: Adrian – participation; Nelson – credit; Sarah – credit; Lachlan – distinction (top 4%); Eva – distinction (top 6%); and Dan – high distinction (top 1% and our Principal’s award recipient).

Our Computer Skills participants: Zane – credit; Max – credit; Nelson – credit; Lachlan – credit; Sarah – credit; Eva – distinction (top 8%); Dan – distinction (top 8%); and Adrian – distinction (top 8% and our Principal’s award recipient).