Archive | October 22, 2014

Living in a Treehouse

writingBelow are some writing samples from 2 competitions students took part in earlier this term and at the end of last term.

The first is from the Andy Griffiths writing competition which closed a couple of weeks ago. Students had to write a short story based on the theme ‘living in a treehouse’.

Adrian – Treehouse          Joseph – Treehouse         Dan – Treehouse           Sarah – Treehouse          Louis – Treehouse             Rory – Treehouse           Heidi – Treehouse

At the end of last term we entered the Write4Fun competition. The winners were announced today on their website and although we didn’t have any finalists, our school received a letter and certificate to inform us we had 10 students in total make it past the first judging stage and that overall our school was in the top 2% for outstanding achievement.

Adrian W4F        Cogs by Louis       Dayna W4F       Eva – Stone Heart       Heidi – W4F        Lucas- The Attack        Pain – Rory

Sarah – The Sixth Sense      The Story by Dan       images