Archive | June 22, 2017


This week our Year 6 students completed the SKIPS (Supporting Kids in Primary School) program.  During the program students learned about good mental health, types of mental illness and how they can best support someone with a mental illness.  Students were asked to complete a pre and post quiz to identify previous understanding and for us to see their growth in knowledge. Students’ pre quiz knowledge about mental illness was rated at 71% and increased to 92% for the post quiz.

Students were asked the following questions. Here are some of their responses.

What are the two most important things you have learnt?

“What Bi Polar Mood Disorder is and what can happen if you have it….Same with Schizophrenia”

“That 1 in 3 people have a mental illness some time during their life”

“To understand what to do if someone’s parent suffers from a mental illness”

“To not be rude and to help people with a mental illness”

What did you like most about the lessons?

“The lessons were fun and I learnt a lot of other kids go through a lot more than their parents splitting up”

“You got us involved and asked lots of questions”

“I enjoyed doing the quiz to test what I took out of these experiences”

The students who completed the SKIPS program were able to take home their work booklets to share their learning with their families.

A huge thank you to Ms Field, our school counsellor and Mrs Behsman, our Learning and Support Teacher, who delivered this program to our students.