Archive | May 15, 2014

Pirate vs Ninja

In our Writing Buddies session today, students were asked if they would prefer to be a pirate or a ninja for a day. A difficult decision, however, students generated lots of great ideas and some very persuasive writing techniques.

Well done to Louis, Chelsea and Henry who were our most persuasive group this week! An excerpt of their writing is below…

Climbing walls, sneaking around and taking down the bad guys are just a few epic things you can do as an awesome ninja!

Wall climbing, speedy running and high jumping are just a few ninja tactics. The abilities of a ninja are endless. They can get you out of many sticky situations!

New Buddies!

This term the OC are taking part in Writing Buddies with 1E and 2B (poor 2B missed out on a buddy class last term due to our school now having an odd number of classes!) so students will have 2 cute little buddies to work with.

We began last week with a persuasive writing stimulus and it was great to see so many great ideas and convincing arguments. Well done, OC for sharing your terrific writing skills with our younger students!