Archive | April 8, 2014

Tuesday Treat!

Congratulations to all of our students who achieved 80% of their stars this term and participated in an amazing star card reward day today. Mrs Bowman did a super job organising this term’s event. There was a range of great activities including apple-bobbing, skipping, a disco, ice blocks, gladiators, teacher target practice, three-legged race and many more! Well done to the OC who were super helpers setting up and assisting the younger students. A terrific day was had by all!

Class Library


It’s been an exciting few weeks, as our new books for our class library have been arriving daily!

Thanks to last year’s super fundraising efforts, we have been able to purchase a great amount of new novels for students to access for independent reading at home and school. As you can see from the photo we have quite a selection to chose from!

A huge thank you to Mel (Nelson’s mum) for helping me with the very time consuming task of covering all these books. We’re almost done and you’ll soon start to see students bringing home some great titles (new and classics) to support reading in the coming days.
