Archive | February 2013

Face to a Name Project

Today the OC had a special visit from Mrs Bronwyn Law to introduce the Face to a Name Project that our students will be participating in. Face to a Name is a school based research project that traces the stories of war veterans whose names appear on our school Honour Board and local community war memorials sites. The research identifies a face and a story behind those names, personalising and localising war history for students, revealing the journey from school to the battlefront and the impact of war on the local community.

Mrs Bronwyn Law is an education specialist and community advocate in Newcastle. She will be assisting our students and community with the undertaking of this project.

If you have a relative who fought in World War 1 and this person attended Tighes Hill Public School, we would love to hear your story. You can contact us at school or Mrs Bronwyn Law on 0408271507.

Cooper with Mrs Bronwyn Law. Cooper is dressed in Mrs Law’s grandfather’s uniform from World War 1.

The Awesome Club

Starting this week on Friday during lunchtime the Awesome Club will commence. Students are welcome to come along and join the Awesome Club where we will be looking at a variety of assessment samples to familiarise students with how to approach testing and reduce any anxieties. The students creatively thought of the name the Awesome Club because they are all so awesome!


A Daily Day in the Life of Allan

Congratulations to Allan our first star of the week. As part of the star duties students will be posting a profile about themselves on our class blog.

Hi my name is Allan and I’m 11 years old. I enjoy being a student at Tighes Hill and love the OC. My favourite things to do are fishing, surfing and I play guitar. I also like camping and somewhat enjoy flying in a plane. I go to Bali every second year (ever since I was born). When my dad comes home next month we are going marlin fishing which I’m really excited about. My favorite food is potato pies. I like drinking coke as well. Later this year I am also going on a surfing trip with my dad and friends.


Packaging Design Challenge

This week our OC students started working on the 2013 Packaging Design Challenge as part of our science and research studies. The Challenge is to demonstrate a broad understanding of packaging and sustainability issues by completing general research, conducting and analysing experiments and discussing the students design choices in writing. Students must complete a mock-up of their design as well as a written presentation. The challenge is not to design a new product but to produce new packaging.

So far students have come up with lots of interesting and innovative designs. The next step of the process will be obtaining materials to bring into school to help students with their mock-up design. A big thank you to Miss Beker who is leading this challenge with our students.

Visit the link below for further details.

OC Swimming Champions!

Today our students participated in our annual swimming carnival at Mayfield Pool. It was terrific to see so many students from the OC having a go in all the events and doing a stellar job of achieving so many 1st, 2nd and 3rd place ribbons. Well done to everyone and fingers crossed we have a few Zone representatives in a few weeks.